Restraining Orders

At Jackson Law, we handle criminal, domestic violence, and civil restraining orders. In the past, we have represented a variety of clients in this area including those who are victims of crimes, as well as neighbors in a dispute who wish to have someone stay away (commonly referred to as a “stay away” order.) The purpose of a restraining order is to prevent someone who is physically or emotionally abusive from contacting the protected person at home, work and school.

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

We represent victims in these proceedings and help them keep offenders away from their work, job, family or school. These are often raised as “No Contact” orders, which prohibit any communication at all, including personal or electronic. We have represented victims of domestic violence and assisted them in working with the court to obtain this criminal protection.

Criminal Protective Orders

We assist victims of crimes of violence, such as robbery, assault, battery, and sexual assault in obtaining restraining orders in their criminal cases. At Jackson Law, our attorneys will assist a victim with a civil and criminal restraining order in the same case, and will be there to help a person as they later testify in the criminal case.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

These orders differ from criminal orders in that a crime does not necessarily have to be alleged or committed before issuance. Clients seek these orders to help with annoying neighbors, former employees, former spouses, former boyfriends and former girlfriends. This order will keep someone from annoying or harassing you either physically, or by text or email. Jackson Law has had success obtaining restraining orders for individuals who were being harassed by former relationship partners to employers who had disgruntled employees harassing their business, to people simply being harassed by neighborhood or employment bullies.

If you are being investigated for a criminal offense, or have been charged with a criminal offense, and want to know how to best proceed, please contact the attorneys at Jackson Law online or call Jackson Law at 650-587-8556.

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